4 Things Contractors Do to Ensure Ducted ACs Perform Optimally

Installers play a critical role in ensuring that your ducted air conditioning system will perform at its best level throughout its service life. This article discusses some of the things that experienced HVAC installers can do to optimise the performance of ACs. Use this information to confirm that your HVAC installer has implemented these measures when installing your new system.

Installing Ducts in Conditioned Spaces

An experienced HVAC contractor will always ensure that he or she installs the ductwork of your air conditioning system within conditioned spaces. This measure is necessary because it helps to reduce the energy losses that would occur in case the ducts were placed in spaces that aren't conditioned. In such spaces, conditioned air within the ducts can gain or lose heat depending on the ambient conditions within that space, such as the attic, where the ducts are run. This heat gain or loss causes the system to work harder in order to offset the impact of the conditions within the unconditioned space through which the ducts were installed.

Installing Sufficient Registers

The installer also ensures that your home has sufficient registers (supply and return registers) to move air efficiently throughout the home. This measure is usually done after following industry standards that provide guidelines about the number of return or supply registers that are necessary for different sizes of spaces that require air conditioning. The number of registers plays a role in the setup of ducts to carry air to or from those registers. Thus, you will be satisfied with the performance of the system if enough registers were installed.

Sealing Ducts

Another way that can be used to optimise the performance of ducted air conditioning systems is by sealing all the ducts using duct mastic. This helps to reduce the chance that the performance of your system will be hindered by the development of leaks soon after they have been installed. The duct mastic acts as a shield that prevents different substances, such as corrosive air, from reacting with the material from which the ducts were made. In this way, the network of ducts will retain their integrity for a long time.

Insulating Attic Ducts

It may still be unavoidable to run some ducts through unconditioned spaces, such as attics, even if the desire of the installer was to have all those ducts within conditioned spaces. Such ducts running through unconditioned spaces should be insulated so that they aren't exposed to the undesirable conditions, such as extreme heat, that may exist in those unconditioned spaces. Insulation can also reduce the noise produced as air moves through the ducts.

Ask your contractor to confirm how he or she has addressed the issues above so that you avoid the high costs of maintaining your ducted air conditioning system later. You can click here for info about this topic.
