Tips to Preventing Stress on Plants during Transplanting

If you have just moved into a new house and love flora, then you can consider adding potted plants to the new space. Potted plants are a great way of adding life to your living space, for instance, the foyer or the balcony. Besides, plants help to purify air at home. Nonetheless, proper care is essential for potted plants during the first few weeks to prevent transplant stress. While it is impossible to avoid the stress completely, you can put measures in place to manage it and increase the chances of your plant's survival.

Choose the Healthiest Plants — Nursery owners try as much as possible to provide clients with healthy plants. However, for one reason or another, some plants at the nursery will be healthier than others. Additionally, since you are spending your hard earned cash, you have every right to demand healthy plants. Therefore, look out for plants that have insects, fading leaves, broken limbs, or stunted growth. Also, look for ones that physically appear weaker than the rest. Avoid these plants and go for the ones that are generally greener and free of insects or physical damages. Healthy plants are more likely to weather transplant shock and survive the stress.

Have Strict Watering Management — Nursery plants do not have well developed roots to handle the stresses caused by excess watering or lack of it. Therefore, it is imperative to prevent such a scenario from occurring during the first few weeks. For example, you should water new plants only when it is necessary and not when you think they need water. Keeping the soil moist at all times should be your overall objective. The simplest way to know whether your plants need any watering is to stick your finger about an inch into the soil and feel for the moisture. If the soil is noticeably dry, then it is watering time. On the other hand, if the soil is moist, you should water the plants later.

Stake the Plants — Young plants are relatively weak because of the obvious reason that their roots are not well developed to offer adequate support. If left unsupported, their chances of survival are greatly reduced—for example, if they are placed in the balcony where slightly strong winds knock against them. The best ways to provide support is by staking the plants for the first two months until you feel the trunk and roots are strong enough to withstand strong winds.

For more information, contact local professionals like Din San Nursery.
