Utilizing Various LED Extrusions For Distinct Lighting Conditions

Despite the numerous benefits of using LED lighting, such as reduced heat output and energy conservation, LED extrusions can get utilized to improve the visual appeal, safety and marketing efforts of LED lights.

LED extrusion gets employed to embed LED lights and conceal their wires so that only the light emitted is visible. For instance, in a cinema theater, LED extrusion gets utilized to protect the stair lights as well as the seat row lighting from customers who might trip on them in the dark.

Below are tips on how LED extrusion gets applied for different types of lighting.

Aluminum LED extrusion

Aluminum LED strip profiles assist in providing a protective casing for placing LED tape. Due to the solid aluminum extrusion, the LED tape gets protected against damages, such as the wires getting cut or someone walking on the LEDs and crushing them.

Though the aluminum LED extrusions are not waterproof, they prevent the entry of moisture into the LED profile which could result in a bad lighting. 

These types of extrusions mostly get recommended for lighting walkways and staircases where LEDs can easily get damaged.

Optic lens LED extrusions

These types of LED extrusions utilize a prism effect to create an optical illusion of more light. The effect appears as if the LED is producing more light, and the lens is employed to disperse the light further though the beam of the LED tape's light.

This extrusion option is mostly utilized outdoors where more light gets needed without having to install more LEDs.

Recessed LED extrusions

For LED strip lights, recessed LED extrusions are a significant consideration for providing an elegant finish.

Recessed LED extrusions can either get made of aluminum or plastic, and they can also have a reflector in case you want to utilize them for indirect lighting applications.

Splash-proof and waterproof LED extrusions

Though aluminum and plastic extrusions are an excellent choice for protecting the strip LEDs from physical impacts and fires, they are not sufficient in water resistance.

Remember, LEDs utilize electric current, and hence, if they come into contact with water, they could get damaged as a result of electrical shorting.

As far as water gets concerned, there are two types of extrusions you can use.

One type is splash-proof LED extrusions, which are not exactly waterproof but prevent splashing water from gaining entry. It is essential to note that these extrusions can't get employed for marine applications, such as swimming pools and aquariums.

Waterproof extrusions, on the other hand, are completely waterproof even in submerged applications such as fountains and ponds. Nonetheless, they are relatively more expensive than splash-proof LED extrusions.
