Basic Maintenance Tips for Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are usually the first line of defence when it comes to controlling or putting out small fires, especially in emergency cases. Fire extinguisher servicing is critical to ensuring that fire extinguishers work properly in time of need. The service procedure entails carrying out a thorough maintenance of the fire extinguishers to check for damage or irregularities that may stop the equipment from functioning well.

Here is a rundown of what basic maintenance of fire extinguishers involves. 


Fire extinguishers consist of many physical components, including the pressure gauge, discharge hose, safety/pull pin, cylinder, etc. that should remain in good working shape in order for the equipment to work properly. If any component is corroded, faulty/defective or covered in dirt and debris, the entire equipment may fail to work properly when it is time to extinguish emergency fires. A clogged discharge hose, for example, may not be able to pass the fire extinguishing agent as required, thus rendering the fire equipment ineffective at putting out a small fire. Likewise, the manufacturer's instructions label placed on the exteriors of the cylinder must always remain legible for user's to read and understand how to operate the equipment in crucial times.

To make sure that every component is in topnotch operating condition, fire extinguishers should be visually inspected from time to time. This way, any corroded or damaged components can be repaired or replaced as required. 


Aside from repairing and replacing damaged components, fire extinguisher servicing should also involve regular testing of the equipment by competent fire technicians. Testing may encompass removing the safety pin and checking if the fire extinguishing agents in the cylinder will come out of the nozzle. In addition, it may involve checking if the pressure gauge is working so as to determine whether or not the equipment needs a recharge. 

If a fire extinguisher is found to be low on pressure, it will need to be recharged. But before that can be done, the technician will have to check if there are any leaks that need to be sealed. Otherwise, the refilled fire-squelching substance will simply leak out again.

Because you can never tell when a fire accident will arise at your building, it is important to make sure your fire extinguishers are in good working shape at all times. Fire extinguisher servicing is a small investment that will go a long way in protecting your property in case of a fire incident.
